When people think of pollination they most often think of managed (non-native) honey bees used in agriculture and perhaps some also think of native, wild bumble bees. However, we have a wealth of other native bees present in non-agricultural landscapes such as forests and landscape trees. Most trees in western forests are wind pollinated, although understory plants and some broadleaf forest trees rely on pollination services or provide forage for native pollinators.

Read up on the summary of our current understanding of forest habitat for pollinators on our blog: Bees and Trees


There is so much to know about pollinators! Click on the pictures below to learn more. There are links to the most recent research, links to videos about pollinator habitat, tree school presentations, publications, seed sources, backyard habitat, references and ways to find out even more. Happy reading!

Learn more about bees
and current research

videos on providing pollinator habitat

Can i make a difference in my backyard?

Where do i find seed sources?

Publications where I can learn more about bees and other pollinators


how do i learn more?